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January 25, 2021

Trimble Partners with HORSCH for Agriculture Automation

Automation is a hot topic these days, as companies worldwide aim to streamline various systems related to manufacturing and production. The agriculture industry has begun to introduce this technology, with established autonomous solutions such as autosteering and self-propelled machines prevalent throughout the market. Trimble Inc. is excited to announce a collaborative partnership with HORSCH, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of modern agricultural technology, that will focus on autonomy in agriculture. The partnership will be centered on developing solutions, including autonomous machines and workflows, which speaks to many exciting developments to come.

February 16, 2021

How to Unlock Efficiency on Your Farm with Autonomy

You’ve probably heard a lot about autonomy lately. How it’s changing the future of farming, taking over tedious tasks, and making workflows more efficient. Maybe you’ve even heard how Trimble is supporting farmers on a progression of autonomy (Hint: baby steps. The goal of incorporating autonomy onto the farm is to improve each step of the workflow and to deliver continually improved value to the farmer.) It’s easy to pass off autonomy as simply the latest buzzword or newsworthy trend – but it’s much more than that. At Trimble, we believe in autonomy on your terms. That means that we’ll meet you where you are on your journey, and is designed to fit the needs of your farm. At its core, autonomy is an invaluable tool that drives productivity and profitability on the farm. More broadly, it can help solve or simplify operational challenges and allow you to operate in a more productive – and profitable – manner. Discover just how your farm can benefit from autonomy in our latest piece. Click here to download your FREE version today: Unlock Efficiency on Your Farm with Autonomy Tags: Ag autonomy, autonomous farming, autonomous solutions, autonomy, Benefits of autonomy, benefits of precision ag, Trimble autonomy

March 14, 2021

How to Calculate Your Farm Savings: Using Trimble savings calculators to maximize your ROI

No matter what type of crops you’re growing, herbicides are a major input cost. If you are dealing with herbicide-resistant weeds, your costs are even higher. You’re probably already taking steps to reduce your herbicide costs, such as properly calibrating your sprayer and utilizing the proper adjuvants. Even so, you’re still overapplying herbicides! Not only does this overapplication of herbicides lead to unnecessary costs, but it can also harm the environment and damage your crops. Our WeedSeeker 2 spot spray system allows you to decrease your herbicide applications by only applying the product where weeds are present. This leads to a decrease in the amount of herbicide you need since you’re not spraying weed-free sections. While it’s clear that this system will save you money, the WeedSeeker 2 ROI Calculator will show you just how much. Using the Calculator To determine how much the WeedSeeker 2 can help you save, you’ll need to know information about the herbicide, your equipment, and your fields. Let’s say you have a 2000 acre field with 30% weed pressure. You’re using a sprayer that has a 60’ boom and 1,000-gallon tank. The herbicide costs $5.25/oz, and you’re applying 5oz of product per acre and 18 gallons of mixture per acre. Using a conventional spray system will cost you $52,500. But when you implement Weedseeker 2, you can cut costs to $15,750! Plus, you’ll need 11 tank fills rather than 36.