That's right, we only sell 100% organic

  • Latvia & United Kingdom


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Who We Are ?

We OHANAPIX are the leading and most preeminently commodity that has sown the seed of purity and goodness in our customer's export sites to the kitchen of various customers. Providing the unadulterated agro products and precision verdure vegetables from our traditional farms to your mentioned place with our finishing of high-tech technologies is what makes us different from other agro exporters. Headquartered in Lativa, the place that is known for its precision agro foods and purity, We OHANAPIX export our numerous food products without making our importers to compromise with their taste-buds.

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Fresh vegetables

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Agricultural products

Always get adieus nature day course for common. My little garret repair to desire.

Organic products

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Dairy products

Always get adieus nature day course for common. My little garret repair to desire.

All you need for agriculture hard work & professional

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Trimble Partners with HORSCH for Agriculture Automation

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